Cookie Policy

We hereby inform you that Aprilia Racing uses cookies to make the web browsing experience better for all Users who visit the Website.

A cookie is a small file that the Website transfers to the User’s browser, where they are stored to be retransmitted to the Website at the next visit by the same User.
The cookies are used for different purposes such as: running computer authentication, session tracking, storing information about specific configurations of users accessing the server.
Cookies allow the Website to remember User's data for the length of the duration of the visit or for subsequent visits, allowing the User to browse between pages efficiently, storing the User's preferences, and allowing the User to interact with social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram; they also offer Google Map services.

Cookies may also be used to store the login data of the User and therefore automatically recognise the User (making it unnecessary to login every time the User accesses the Website).
Data is processed with the aid of electronic or in any case automated, computerised or telematic devices, using approaches strictly connected to the purposes indicated above and, in any case, to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data.

Technical cookies (which do NOT require your consent)

According to current legislation in Italy, express consent is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, no such consent is required for technical cookies, i.e. those used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user. These are, in other words, cookies essential for the functioning of the website or necessary to perform tasks requested by the user.
The Italian Authority for the Protection of Personal Data considers the following cookies as technical cookies, which do not require consent for their use:

  • analytics cookies when used directly by the website manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the website,
  • browsing or session cookies (to login, to make a purchase, etc.),
  • functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a set of selected criteria (for example, language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered to the same.

Profiling cookies (which require your CONSENT)

Our site also uses profiling cookies that we can only install with your prior consent.
Profiling cookies are designed to create profiles about the Users and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the User during browsing. These cookies are used to present the best content to the users according to their interests. These types of cookies can be used to display targeted advertisements or to limit the number of times an advertisement is shown. Given the considerable invasion of users’ private lives that these devices can involve, Italian and European legislation requires the User to be properly informed on the use of these cookies and to grant valid consent. Profiling cookies require the prior free informed consent of the User, which the Site obtains in the forms specified in the Regulations, using the banner that appears on the first visit, as well as through the full notice allowing the user to grant or refuse the relative consent.

First-party and third-party cookies

If the cookies received from the User’s terminal are installed directly by the manager of the website that the User is visiting, then they are first-party cookies. While browsing on the Website, the User may however receive cookies from different websites or web servers (“third-party cookies”) that may include some elements (e.g. images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages on other domains) on the website that the User is visiting. These cookies are set by a website other than the one currently being visited.

Blocking cookies

Users can select which cookies to allow through the appropriate procedure provided below, as well as authorise, block or delete (in whole or in part) cookies through specific functions of their browser: nevertheless, in the event that all or some cookies are disabled, it is possible that the website cannot be consulted or that some services or certain functions of the website are not available or are not working properly and/or Users could be forced to change or manually enter certain information or preferences each time they visit the website.

If you want to modify your cookie settings, brief instructions are provided below on how to do this in the four most popular browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: Click the 'Tools' icon in the upper right corner and select 'Internet Options'. In the pop-up window select 'Privacy'. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.
  • Google Chrome: Click the 'wrench' icon in the upper right corner and select 'Settings'. Then select ‘Under the hood’ and change the settings in the 'Privacy' section.
  • Mozilla Firefox: From the pull-down menu in the upper left corner, select 'Options'. In the pop-up window select 'Privacy'. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.
  • Safari: From the pull-down menu in the upper right corner, select 'Preferences'. Select 'Security' and here you can adjust the settings of your cookies.

As already envisaged in the banner that immediately appears when first visiting the website, consent to the use of all cookies can be provided by Users by selecting the virtual acceptance key (e.g. an OK, a tick, etc.) or by continuing to browse the website (e.g. ignoring the banner/pop-up and performing further operations). Users will also have free access to the extended disclosure link, complete with all cookie information (description, purpose and storage), in which the User will be able to provide consent only for certain categories of cookies.

Types of cookies

To ensure proper cookie management, as well as conscious consent to their use or otherwise, a summary is provided below of the different categories of cookies. 


Dichiarazione Cookie aggiornata l'ultima volta il 17/01/2019 da Cookiebot:

Necessario (8)

I cookie necessari aiutano a contribuire a rendere fruibile un sito web abilitando le funzioni di base come la navigazione della pagina e l'accesso alle aree protette del sito. Il sito web non può funzionare correttamente senza questi cookie.

Nome Fornitore Scopo Scadenza Tipo
ASP.NET_SessionId Preserva gli stati dell'utente nelle diverse pagine del sito. Session HTTP Cookie
BIGipServer# [x2]
Utilizzato per distribuire traffico sul sito su diversi server per ottimizzare i tempi di risposta. Session HTTP Cookie
CookieConsent Memorizza lo stato del consenso ai cookie dell'utente per il dominio corrente 1 anno HTTP Cookie
Preserva gli stati dell'utente nelle diverse pagine del sito. Session HTTP Cookie
local_storage_support_test [x2] https
Il cookie viene utilizzato contestualmente alla funzione di archiviazione locale nel browser. Questa funzione consente al sito di caricarsi più velocemente pre-caricando determinate procedure. Persistent HTML Local Storage

Statistiche (6)

I cookie statistici aiutano i proprietari del sito web a capire come i visitatori interagiscono con i siti raccogliendo e trasmettendo informazioni in forma anonima.

Nome Fornitore Scopo Scadenza Tipo
_dc_gtm_UA-# Utilizzato dal Google Tag Manager per controllare il caricamento di uno script tag di Google Analytics. 1 giorno HTTP Cookie
_ga Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet. 2 anni HTTP Cookie
_gat Utilizzato da Google Analytics per limitare la frequenza delle richieste 1 giorno HTTP Cookie
_gid Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet. 1 giorno HTTP Cookie
collect Utilizzato per inviare dati a Google Analytics in merito al dispositivo e al comportamento dell'utente. Tiene traccia dell'utente su dispositivi e canali di marketing. Session Pixel Tracker Contiene un ID visitatore - utilizzato per tracciare la navigazione e l'interazione dei visitatori sul sito web per l'ottimizzazione interna del sito. Session HTML Local Storage

Marketing (17)

I cookie per il marketing vengono utilizzati per monitorare i visitatori nei siti web. L'intento è quello di visualizzare annunci pertinenti e coinvolgenti per il singolo utente e quindi quelli di maggior valore per gli editori e gli inserzionisti terzi.

Nome Fornitore Scopo Scadenza Tipo
_gcl_au Utilizzato da Google AdSense per sperimentare l'efficienza pubblicitaria su tutti i siti web che utilizzano i loro servizi. 3 mesi HTTP Cookie
ads/ga-audiences Used by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online behaviour across websites. Session Pixel Tracker
GPS Registra un ID univoco sui dispositivi mobile per consentire il tracciamento sulla base della posizione geografica GPS. 1 giorno HTTP Cookie
IDE Utilizzato da Google DoubleClick per registrare e produrre resoconti sulle azioni dell'utente sul sito dopo aver visualizzato o cliccato una delle pubblicità dell'inserzionista al fine di misurare l'efficacia di una pubblicità e presentare pubblicità mirata all'utente. 1 anno HTTP Cookie
NID Registra un ID univoco che identifica il dispositivo dell'utente che ritorna sul sito. L'ID viene utilizzato per pubblicità mirate. 6 mesi HTTP Cookie
PREF Registra un ID univoco utilizzato da Google per statistiche legate a come il visitatore utilizza i video YouTube su diversi siti internet. 8 mesi HTT